Producer | Director

Hospitals, Nursing and Care homes

Hospitals, Nursing and Care homes


The Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals recognised they had to redesign their website to appeal to a more digital audience than before. As part of the redesign we encouraged them to create a series of videos to increase patients engagement and reduce staff workload while being compliant, accessible and relevant.

We quickly recommended shooting the films in and around the hospitals to reassure visitors on their visit. Each film needed to focus one clear message and all films should deliver a consistent call to action. We opted to film with real staff and patients to make the films feel real for our audience.

We produced five short films. One for each of the three hospitals, one about the care people can expect to receive, and a practical film about how to get to the hospitals:

1. Caring for you
2. Doncaster Royal Infirmary
3. Montagu Hospital
4. Bassetlaw Hospital
5. Getting there

The short welcome films were added to a carousel on the homepage, making them easily accessible.